Why ESG Explorer?

We leverage different technologies in our platform, including Process Mining and Power BI

Unlocking the Green Potential

Measuring Environmental Impact: A Challenge for Green Initiatives

Climate Change Impact

Impending Consequences: Enterprise Inaction on Global Warming

Path to Climate Collapse

If we continue along the current path, global warming will reach the catastrophic level of 4.5ºC by 2100.

Execution Gap

Enterprises have announced ambitious net zero targets but lack clear, manageable plans how to achieve them.

Commitment Gap

Companies need to identify & implement incremental CO2 reduction programs to limit global warming to sustainable level of 1.5ºC.

ESG Explorer Platform

We deliver a scaleable, cloud-based platform

to manage actual carbon footprint in real-time.


Worried about compliance with ESG regulation?

Our ESG Cockpit will replace your Excel maze with a control tower to put you back in charge and avoid fines and greenwashing.


Unsure how to determine product carbon footprint from high-level data?

Our ESG Process Explorer visualizes carbon footprint at activity, product and location levels in real-time.


Announced net zero target but unsure how to get there?

Our ESG Process Manager turns carbon concentration insights into actions to reduce emissions.

The Moment is Now

Climate change won’t wait.

Let’s Build a Sustainable Business Together

Don’t wait any longer. Contact us today!

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